Beak meaning in Bengali

A beak refers to the hard, pointed external part of the mouth of birds, which is used for eating, grooming, manipulating objects, fighting, and other purposes. It is a distinctive and crucial feature of birds, varying greatly in shape, size, and color among different species, reflecting their diverse diets and ecological roles. Some other animals, such as squids and octopuses, also have parts called beaks.

In Bengali, a beak is called “ঠোঁট” (ṭhõṭ). This term specifically refers to the mouthpart of birds, distinguishing it from the lips or mouths of other animals.

Meaning in Bengali:

  • Beak (বীক) – ঠোঁট (ṭhõṭ)

Usage Examples

English SentenceBengali Sentence
The eagle’s beak is strong and sharp.ঈগলের ঠোঁট শক্ত এবং তীক্ষ্ণ।
A parrot can crack nuts with its beak.একটি তোতাপাখি তার ঠোঁট দিয়ে বাদাম ভাঙতে পারে।
The bird used its beak to weave its nest.পাখিটি তার বাসা বোনার জন্য তার ঠোঁট ব্যবহার করেছিল।
He found a bird with a broken beak.সে একটি ভাঙা ঠোঁটের পাখি খুঁজে পেয়েছিল।
The shape of a bird’s beak can indicate its diet.একটি পাখির ঠোঁটের আকৃতি তার খাদ্যাভ্যাস নির্দেশ করতে পারে।
Researchers study beak adaptations in finches.গবেষকরা ফিঞ্চগুলিতে ঠোঁটের অভিযোজন অধ্যয়ন করে।
The hummingbird’s beak is perfect for reaching into flowers.হামিংবার্ডের ঠোঁট ফুলের মধ্যে পৌঁছানোর জন্য আদর্শ।
She observed the variation in beak size among the pigeon population.সে কবুতরের জনসংখ্যার মধ্যে ঠোঁটের আকারের বৈচিত্র্য লক্ষ্য করেছে।
Beak trimming in poultry is a controversial practice.পোল্ট্রিতে ঠোঁট ছাঁটাই একটি বিতর্কিত প্রথা।
The toucan is known for its large and colorful beak.টুকান তার বড় এবং রঙিন ঠোঁটের জন্য পরিচিত।

Similar and Opposite Words

  • Similar Words: bill, snout, nozzle, proboscis
  • Opposite Words: N/A (There are no direct opposites of “beak” as it is a specific anatomical feature.)


The word “beak” originates from the Middle English “bek,” from the Old French “bec,” which is derived from the Latin “beccus.” Historically, the term has been used to describe the mouthparts of birds, and by extension, similar structures in other animals, reflecting its central role in the feeding, grooming, and interaction behaviors of these creatures.