Bear meaning in Bengali

A bear is a large, strong mammal with thick fur and a very short tail. Bears are known for their powerful build and varying sizes, depending on the species, and are found in many parts of the world. They have a reputation for being both formidable and, in some cases, dangerous, but their behaviors and diet can vary widely among species.

In Bengali, bear is translated as “ভালুক” (Bhaluk). Bears are often characterized by their solitary nature, with the exception of mothers with cubs or during a period when they might share abundant food sources.

Meaning in Bengali

  • Bear: ভালুক (Bhaluk)

Usage Examples

A bear can hibernate for months without eating.একটি ভালুক মাসের পর মাস খাওয়া ছাড়াই শীতনিদ্রা যেতে পারে।
Bears have a keen sense of smell.ভালুকের গন্ধের তীব্র অনুভূতি থাকে।
Some bears are omnivores, eating both plants and meat.কিছু ভালুক সর্বভুক, উদ্ভিদ এবং মাংস উভয়ই খায়।
The polar bear lives in the Arctic.ধ্রুবীয় ভালুক আর্কটিকে বাস করে।
Bear sightings are common in the forest.জঙ্গলে ভালুক দেখা সাধারণ ঘটনা।
A mother bear is very protective of her cubs.একটি মা ভালুক তার শাবকদের প্রতি খুবই সুরক্ষামূলক।
Bears can climb trees to escape danger.ভালুক বিপদ থেকে পালাতে গাছে চড়তে পারে।
The bear’s thick fur keeps it warm in cold climates.ভালুকের ঘন লোম ঠান্ডা আবহাওয়ায় তাকে উষ্ণ রাখে।
Conservation efforts are in place to protect bear habitats.ভালুকের আবাসস্থল সুরক্ষা করার জন্য সংরক্ষণ প্রচেষ্টা চালু রয়েছে।
Bears have been featured in various cultures and folklore.বিভিন্ন সংস্কৃতি এবং লোককাহিনিতে ভালুকের বৈশিষ্ট্য প্রদর্শিত হয়েছে।

Similar and Opposite Words

  • Similar: mammal, animal, carnivore, omnivore
  • Opposite: N/A (as bear is a specific animal, opposite terms are not directly applicable)


The word “bear” comes from Old English “bera,” which is related to the Dutch “beer” and German “Bär.” This term is rooted in a wide family of languages, reflecting the widespread recognition of this animal across cultures.

In Bengali, the term “ভালুক” is used universally across the region to refer to bears, highlighting the animal’s significance in the natural world and its presence in local folklore and stories.