before meaning in bengali

Before meaning in Bengali, explained

“Before” is a preposition and adverb that refers to a time earlier than a specific point or event. It is used to indicate precedence in time or order.

Meaning in Bengali:

In Bengali, “before” is translated as “আগে” (Aage) when used to indicate time, and as “পূর্বে” (Poorte) in more formal or literary contexts.

Usage Examples:

English SentenceBengali Translation
I wake up before sunrise.আমি সূর্যোদয়ের আগে জেগে উঠি।
She had never seen him before.সে তাকে আগে কখনও দেখেনি।
Eat your dinner before it gets cold.খাবার ঠান্ডা হওয়ার আগে খেয়ে নাও।
Finish your homework before playing.খেলার আগে তোমার হোমওয়ার্ক শেষ কর।
He arrived before me at the meeting.সে আমার আগে মিটিংয়ে এসেছিল।
Read the instructions before use.ব্যবহারের আগে নির্দেশনাগুলি পড়ুন।
We must submit the report before Friday.আমাদের শুক্রবারের আগে রিপোর্ট জমা দিতে হবে।
She had visited that place before.সে আগে সেই জায়গায় গিয়েছিল।
The ceremony will start before noon.অনুষ্ঠানটি দুপুরের আগে শুরু হবে।
Think before you speak.কথা বলার আগে ভেবে নাও।

Similar and Opposite Words:

  • Similar Words: Prior to (পূর্বে), Earlier (আগে), Preceding (পূর্ববর্তী)
  • Opposite Words: After (পরে), Following (পরবর্তী), Subsequently (পরবর্তীতে)


The word “before” comes from Old English “beforan,” which is a combination of “be” (by) and “foran” (in front), from the Germanic root “fora” (in front of, outside). It has been used in English to denote time or place earlier than a certain point since the early Middle Ages.