Bit meaning in Bengali

“Bit” is a versatile word with several meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a small piece or amount of something, a tool or piece used for drilling, or the basic unit of information in computing, representing a binary digit (0 or 1).

In Bengali, “bit” can be translated to “বিট” (Bit) when referring to computing and digital information. For a small piece or amount, it translates to “টুকরো” (Tukro) or “অংশ” (Onsho). For the tool or piece used in drilling, it’s more specific and might need to be described rather than directly translated.

Meaning in Bengali

  • Bit (computing): বিট (Bit)
  • Bit (small piece or amount): টুকরো (Tukro), অংশ (Onsho)

Usage Examples

A bit of cheeseএকটু চিজ
Drill bit for making holesগর্ত তৈরির জন্য ড্রিলের বিট
Data is stored in bits.ডেটা বিটে সংরক্ষিত হয়।
Just a little bit more.আর একটু বেশি।
A bit of information can change everything.একটু তথ্য সব কিছু পরিবর্তন করতে পারে।
Add a bit of salt to the recipe.রেসিপিতে একটু লবণ যোগ করুন।
I understood a bit of what was said.বলা হয়েছিল তার একটু আমি বুঝেছি।
The screwdriver bit is worn out.স্ক্রুড্রাইভারের বিট নষ্ট হয়ে গেছে।
I’ll be back in a bit.আমি একটু পরে ফিরে আসব।
A bit of kindness goes a long way.একটু দয়া অনেক দূর যেতে পারে।

Similar and Opposite Words

  • Similar: piece, fragment, portion, byte
  • Opposite: whole, entirety, total


The word “bit” has its origins in the late Middle English period, derived from the Old English word “bita,” meaning a bite or a morsel, which further comes from the verb “bitan” (to bite). In computing, “bit” as a contraction of “binary digit” was first used in the 20th century, reflecting its role as the smallest unit of data in computer technology.

In Bengali, “বিট” (Bit) when used in the context of computing is directly borrowed from English, while “টুকরো” (Tukro) and “অংশ” (Onsho) have deeper roots in the language, reflecting the concept of parts or pieces from a broader perspective.