Cowpea meaning in Bengali

The term “cowpea” refers to a type of bean which is widely used for both human consumption and animal feed. It is known for its high protein content and ability to improve soils through nitrogen fixation. Cowpeas are common in tropical and subtropical regions and are a staple in many diets around the world.

In Bengali, “cowpea” is translated as “বরবটি” (Borboti). This term is used commonly in the context of agriculture and cooking in Bengali-speaking regions.

Meaning in Bengali:

  • Cowpea (English): A type of bean known for its nutritional value.
  • বরবটি (Bengali): A type of legume commonly used in Bengali cuisine.

Usage Examples:

Cowpeas are rich in protein.বরবটি প্রোটিনে সমৃদ্ধ।
She added cowpeas to the stew.সে স্ট্যুতে বরবটি যোগ করেছে।
Cowpeas can be used in salads.সালাদে বরবটি ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে।
The farmer planted cowpeas in his field.কৃষক তার ক্ষেতে বরবটি লাগিয়েছে।
Cowpeas need warm weather to grow.বরবটি বাড়ার জন্য উষ্ণ আবহাওয়ার প্রয়োজন।
Harvesting cowpeas is labor-intensive.বরবটি কাটা শ্রমসাধ্য।
Cowpeas are a common ingredient in African cuisines.আফ্রিকান রান্নাতে বরবটি একটি সাধারণ উপাদান।
They made a paste from ground cowpeas.তারা মাটিতে পিষ্ট বরবটি থেকে একটি পেস্ট তৈরি করেছে।
Cowpeas are often sold dried or canned.বরবটি প্রায়শই শুকনো বা ক্যানড আকারে বিক্রি হয়।
Nutritional value of cowpeas is high.বরবটির পুষ্টি মান উচ্চ।

Similar and Opposite Words:

  • Similar Words: Beans, Lentils, Legumes, Black-eyed peas.
  • Opposite Words: Meat, Cereal, Non-leguminous crops.

Word’s Origin:

The term “cowpea” comes from its common use as a forage and food for cattle in the United States and other parts of the world. The origin of the name reflects the plant’s utility in animal feed as well as human consumption, especially noted in regions where it has been a significant dietary staple.