Fuming meaning in Bengali

“Fuming” is an English term used to describe the state of being very angry, emitting smoke, or the action of producing fumes. When someone is fuming, they are extremely angry, irritated, or frustrated, often in a way that is very noticeable by others. The term can also refer to the emission of gas or vapor that is typically odorous or potentially harmful.

In Bengali, “fuming” is translated as “ধোঁয়া উড়ানো” (Dhoẏa uṛānō) when referring to the emission of smoke or gas. When describing a person who is extremely angry, it is translated as “ক্রুদ্ধ” (Krudha) or “রাগান্বিত” (Rāgānbita).

Meaning in Bengali:

  • Fuming (Angry): ক্রুদ্ধ (Krudha), রাগান্বিত (Rāgānbita)
  • Fuming (Emitting Smoke): ধোঁয়া উড়ানো (Dhoẏa uṛānō)

Usage Examples:

He was fuming after the argument.তর্কের পর সে ক্রুদ্ধ ছিল।
The machine is fuming; it might be broken.মেশিনটি ধোঁয়া উড়ছে; এটি ভেঙে যেতে পারে।
She walked away, fuming with anger.সে রাগে ফুঁসে চলে গেল।
The chemical reaction started fuming in the lab.রাসায়নিক প্রতিক্রিয়াটি ল্যাবে ধোঁয়া উড়তে শুরু করেছে।
He was fuming about the lost opportunity.সে হারানো সুযোগ নিয়ে ক্রুদ্ধ ছিল।

Similar and Opposite Words:

  • Similar Words: Furious (ক্রুদ্ধ), Angry (রাগান্বিত), Irritated (বিরক্ত)
  • Opposite Words: Calm (শান্ত), Peaceful (শান্তিময়), Relaxed (শিথিল)


The term “fuming” originates from the Latin word “fumare,” which means “to smoke.” Over time, it has evolved to describe not only the physical act of emitting smoke but also the metaphorical sense of showing anger or irritation.