Gullet meaning in Bengali

“Gullet” refers to the esophagus, a muscular tube through which food passes from the mouth to the stomach. It is an essential part of the digestive system, allowing the movement of food and liquids. The term is often used in medical, biological, and culinary contexts to describe the process of swallowing or the passage itself.

In Bengali, “gullet” is translated as “গলদণ্ড” (Golodaṇḍa). It specifically refers to the part of the alimentary canal that connects the throat to the stomach.

Meaning in Bengali:

  • Gullet: গলদণ্ড (Golodaṇḍa)

Usage Examples:

The food moves down the gullet into the stomach.খাবার গলদণ্ড দিয়ে পেটে চলে যায়।
He felt a lump in his gullet.তার গলদণ্ডে একটি পিণ্ড অনুভূত হলো।
The doctor examined her gullet for any blockages.ডাক্তার তার গলদণ্ডে কোনো বাধা আছে কিনা পরীক্ষা করেছিলেন।
Swallowing can be painful if the gullet is inflamed.গলদণ্ড প্রদাহিত হলে গিলতে ব্যথা হতে পারে।
A fish bone got stuck in his gullet.একটি মাছের কাঁটা তার গলদণ্ডে আটকে গেছে।

Similar and Opposite Words:

  • Similar Words: Esophagus (ইসোফ্যাগাস), Throat (গলা), Pharynx (ফ্যারিংক্স)
  • Opposite Words: Stomach (পেট), Intestine (অন্ত্র), Mouth (মুখ)


The word “gullet” comes from the Old French “goulet,” which means “neck of a bottle or throat,” signifying the passage through which substances travel, similar to the way liquid is poured from a bottle. Over time, it has been used more specifically to refer to the part of the digestive tract that connects the mouth to the stomach.