Hayloft Meaning In Bengali (Hayloft শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ কি জানুন)

“Hayloft” refers to the space or area, typically in the upper part of a barn, used for storing hay and other agricultural products.

It is a traditional feature in many farm buildings, designed to keep hay dry and protected from the elements.

The hayloft is often found above the ground level and can be accessed by stairs or a ladder.

In Bengali, “hayloft” is translated as “খড়ের গাদা” (Khaṛēr gādā) or more specifically, “ঘাসের গোলা” (Ghāsēr gōlā), referring to the storage area for hay.

Hayloft” Meaning In Bengali

  • Hayloft: খড়ের গাদা (Khaṛēr gādā), ঘাসের গোলা (Ghāsēr gōlā)

Here Are Some Usage Examples:

The hayloft is full after the harvest.ফসল কাটার পর খড়ের গাদা পূর্ণ হয়ে গেছে।
They stored the bales in the hayloft.তারা খড়ের গাদায় বেল গুলি মজুত করেছে।
Cats often hide in the hayloft.বিড়ালগুলি প্রায়শই খড়ের গাদায় লুকিয়ে থাকে।
The old barn has a spacious hayloft above.পুরানো খামারবাড়িটির উপরে একটি প্রশস্ত খড়ের গাদা আছে।
Climbing to the hayloft can be dangerous.খড়ের গাদায় উঠা বিপজ্জনক হতে পারে।

Similar Words:

  • Barn (খামারবাড়ি)
  • Granary (ধানগোলা)
  • Loft (লফট)

Opposite Words:

  • Basement (তলানি)
  • Cellar (মদের ঘর)
  • Ground floor (ভূতল)

Origin Of The Word “Hayloft

The word “hayloft” comes from the combination of “hay,” referring to the dried grass or fodder, and “loft,” which means an upper room or floor in a building, particularly in a barn. The term reflects the traditional agricultural practices of storing hay in an elevated space to keep it dry and safe from animals and moisture.