Rahi meaning in Bengali

The term “Rahi” is primarily used as a name and does not have a direct meaning in Bengali as a common noun. However, when used as a personal name, “Rahi” typically does not change in translation. In the context of language or literature, if “Rahi” were to imply a meaning beyond being just a name, it could be interpreted based on context or its roots in other languages. For example, in Hindi, “Rahi” means “traveler” or “wayfarer.” But as a name in Bengali, it is simply written as “রাহি” (Rahi).

Meaning in Bengali:

  • Rahi (as a name): রাহি (Rahi)

Usage Examples:

Since “Rahi” is primarily a name, here are some example sentences that use it as such:

English SentenceBengali Translation
Rahi won the first prize in the contest.রাহি প্রতিযোগিতায় প্রথম পুরস্কার জিতেছে।
Rahi is a diligent student.রাহি একজন পরিশ্রমী ছাত্র।
They went on a trip with Rahi.তারা রাহির সাথে একটি ভ্রমণে গিয়েছিল।
Rahi loves to paint landscapes.রাহি ল্যান্ডস্কেপ আঁকতে ভালোবাসে।
The story was narrated by Rahi.গল্পটি রাহি দ্বারা বর্ণিত হয়েছিল।

Similar and Opposite Words:

Since “Rahi” is a name, there are no direct similar or opposite words. However, if considering the meaning “traveler” from Hindi:

  • Similar words: Traveler (ভ্রমণকারী), Wanderer (ঘুরে বেড়াকারী), Wayfarer (পথিক).
  • Opposite words: Settler (স্থায়ী বাসিন্দা), Resident (বাসিন্দা), Homebody (গৃহপ্রিয় ব্যক্তি).


As a name, “Rahi” does not have a specific origin in Bengali and is used as per the naming conventions or cultural influences from other languages such as Hindi or Urdu. In those languages, it can have meanings related to traveling or journeying.